1950 –
- In September 1950, Bethlehem Lutheran Church Extension began Sunday school and Worship services in the Coffey School in Detroit, with Rev. Henry Aukee as interim pastor.
1951 –
- In the fall of 1951 Pastor Melvin Hagelberg began work as Mission Developer.
- Services moved to Emerson School in Detroit and a parsonage was purchased.
- The Northwest Mission was organized.
1953 –
- Dec.13, Northwest Emmanuel Evangelical Lutheran Church was organized with a charter membership of 295 adults.
- Dec. 13, Pastor Melvin Hagelberg called as Emmanuel’s first pastor.
1956 –
- July 10, ground-breaking for a new church building in Southfield.
1957 -
- June 16, first worship service in new church building.
- October 17, a dedication service was held.
1958 –
- June, hosted National Suomi Synod Convention
1962 –
- Emmanuel joined the LCA and dropped “Northwest” from its name.
1965 –
- February 7, Rev. Donald Muehlnickel called to be Emmanuel’s second pastor.
- The parsonage in Detroit was sold and a new parsonage was built on Plum Hollow Street.
- A pipe organ, audio system and new room dividers for the fellowship hall were purchased and installed.
- The chancel was renovated and the parking lot was paved.
1967 –
- May 21, new parsonage dedicated
1968 –
- Pastor William Graf served as Vicar at Emmanuel; Under his leadership a strong youth program was developed.
1971 –
- February 14, new Wick pipe organ dedicated
1973 –
- Major remodeling and renovation program completed
1976 –
- October 10, Rev. L. Alden Erlandson called to be Emmanuel’s third pastor
1978 –
- Silver Anniversary Celebration
1986 –
- Emmanuel began using a computer for church membership and financial records.
1988 –
- 35th Anniversary Celebration
- 1989 – Emmanuel became part of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA)
1991 –
- July 14, Rev. Roland Troike, Jr. called to be Emmanuel’s fourth pastor
1995 –
- Emmanuel entered the Stephen Ministry program.
1996 –
- Elevator dedicated
2000 –
- Summer – Pastor Troike’s sabbatical; accessible bathroom constructed.
2002 –
- Peace Garden dedicated
2003 -
- June 8 – Dedication of new Hand bells
- 50th Anniversary Celebration.
- July – Rev. John Freed began to serve as supply pastor until the end of the year.
2004 –
- Rev. Michael Rothgery, interim pastor from January 2004 – June 2005.
2005 –
- Pastor David Maddox II called as our 5th pastor, June 27, 2005 and was installed on July 17, 2005.
2006 –
- Nursery/Multi-purpose room constructed by John and Craig Moilanen families and crew.
2007 –
- October, new Evangelical Lutheran Worship hymnals began to be used
2008 –
- The Community Garden was established in cooperation with the Southfield Garden Club.
2010 –
- April 18 - Pastor David Maddox II left Emmanuel for a new call; Emmanuel began the process of searching for a new pastor.
- June -- Pastor Dellis W. Hudson began as Interim Pastor
- December -- The Kitchen floor was retiled for the first time since the building was built.
2011 –
- May -- Pastor Dellis W. Hudson left.
- December 2011 – Christmas Caroling for the homebound resumed after many years.
2012 –
- March -- Pastor Stanley Eckermann began as Interim Pastor
- August -- Pastor Stanley Eckermann left;
- Vicar Jackie Rau started as as Emmanuel's full time Pastor
- September 23, 2012 Rev. Jackie Rau Ordained at Emmanuel Lutheran Church, Livonia.
2013 –
- November 24 -- Celebrated 60 years serving the Southfield area by hosting an evening meal and concert with the folk group "At Average".
2014 –
- Monthly Lunch and Learn programs started.
- A land survey was ordered to prepare for the possible sale of the parsonage property.
2015 –
- Parsonage property offered for sale.
2016 –
- Parsonage property sold.
2017 –
- Resurfaced parking lot
2018 –
- April Pastor Jackie Rau left
- July – Pastor Jill Heather called by the Southeast Michigan Synod to serve as transitional pastor
2019 –
- September – Hosted Finn Fest USA and celebrated with a full church our Finnish beginnings
2020 –
- March Emmanuel closed the church to in person worship and other activities as recommended by the State of Michigan because of Covid-19 virus. Virtual worship services began using computer technology.
2021 –
- July – Emmanuel resumes in-person worship services after Covid-19 restrictions are lifted
- Feb - Emmanuel calls Karole Langset to serve as Pastor. Feb 26, she is ordained at her home-congregation of Shepherd of the Lakes, Walled Lake.
2023 -
- Sep - Emmanuel Celebrates 70th anniversary.